Podocarpus nubigenus Lindl. Fam .: Podocarpaceae. Otros Nombres: Manío, Mañío hembra (en Chiloé y Los Muermos) Mañío macho (en el resto del país), Mañío de hojas picanes, Mañío estopa, Huililahuán DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA MADERA En Chile hay tres especies de Mañío, Mañío de hojas Punzantes (Podocarpus nubigenus) Mañío de hoja Larga (Podocarpus salignus) Mañío de hoja Corta (Saxegothaea conspicua) Las maderas de estos tres tipos de Mañío (se diferencian a simple vista) son de color amarillo, desde la albura hasta la médula, con líneas rectas o en forma de llamas marcadas en colores más oscuros, de un matiz rojizo o marrón. Los anillos anuales son nítidos en cara y testa. Los radios medulares son visibles a simple vista, aunque están levemente marcados. La madera, con un 12% de humedad, tiene un peso de 500 kg / m³, por lo que es calificada como madera liviana, una vez seca es una madera de excelente calidad, muy estable en sus dimensiones. El Mañío es una madera noble, fácil de trabajar, cepillar y encolar. Alcance entre 25 y 30 metros de altura, su tronco alcanza un diámetro de hasta 2 metros y crece bien en terrenos húmedos y pantanosos.

USE OF WOOD Due to the good characteristics of this wood, it is used in almost all types of furniture constructions, including exclusive, high-quality furniture. It is also used for sheet metal and in the construction of houses, boats, interior and exterior cladding, doors, windows, floors, parquets, ceilings, general sporting goods, turning works, toys, crafts, kitchen articles, drawers, packaging etc. Annotations The huilliche name is «Mañío» Courtesy of: MADERAS MORALEDA LTDA.

Populus nigra L. Fam .: Salicaceae Other Names: Black poplar. Creole poplar WOOD DESCRIPTION This lightweight, low-textured wood is creamy and whitish brown in heartwood. In addition, brown dots appear as small knots irregularly. The sapwood is lighter, almost white. The annual rings on the head and face are clearly visible. Knots that often appear darker than the rest of the wood are unappealing. Sometimes it has gray, dark spots, mostly on the sapwood. These stains are fungal products that attack the wood due to being poorly stocked or when the turned trunk has been exposed to the weather for a long time. The poplar, with 12% humidity, has a weight of 420 kg / m³. It is an easy to work and glue wood, and when dry it is easy to brush. It is soft, light, porous, and contracts little. The trunk can reach 1 or 2 meters in diameter, and can reach 35 meters in height, prefers deep and permeable soils, with abundant humidity. Alamo is cultivated in Chile from Region IV to Region XI. USE OF WOOD Due to its light weight and ease of working, Alamo wood is used in the construction of instruments, models, light aircraft models, as sheet metal, as a core in a plated cover, matches, and prosthetics for humans. It also deals in the manufacture of sets, in drawers, food drawers, honey barrels, occasionally for carving, plywood and also for molds. In different countries the Alamo is quite important in the production of cellulose. In Europe plywood sheets are used for the manufacture of furniture in motorhomes. They are very low weight and mechanically very resistant. Courtesy of: MADERAS MORALEDA LTDA.

Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirbel) Oersted Fam .: Atherospermataceae Other Names: Coihue WOOD DESCRIPTION This well-known wood in Chile and with fine grain is creamy brown in color. Depending on the cut that is applied, the grain can be presented in a uniform background color with reddish, greenish and yellowish brown lines. Flame-shaped lines can also appear in the same shades, but slightly softer. The heartwood is slightly darker in color than the sapwood, although sometimes its veining is brown or dark brown with irregularities. It is also called, in these cases, false heartwood. The annual rings are slightly visible. The medullary rays are regular and uniseriate. Coigüe wood, with 12% humidity, has a weight of 610 kg / m³, so it is classified as heavy wood. It is easy to brush, work and glue, even when brushing finds found streaks. It is recommended not to use very thick pre-dried boards for jobs where it is necessary to subsequently reduce their thickness, since they tend to twist and deform unpredictably. USE OF WOOD Once the wood has dried, it has very good characteristics for its elaboration, being easy to work with. Because of this it is frequently found in different types of construction, in house structures, rural bridges, scaffolding, floors, stables, silos, stairways, boats, interior and exterior cladding, interior and exterior doors, furniture and in crafts. It is also found in large quantities in sheets. Annotations This is one of the best-known woods in Chile, both nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, good quality Coigüe is still used, in large quantities, for railway sleepers. The huilliche name is «Coigüe». Courtesy of: MADERAS MORALEDA LTDA.

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Fam .: Myrtaceae Other Names: Gomero Azul, Gomero Dulce WOOD DESCRIPTION Eucalyptus wood (exotic species, not indigenous to Chile) is creamy brown, with different shades from sapwood to heartwood that can be yellowish, creamy and reddish. The sapwood stands out clearly from the heartwood for its darker grayish brown tint. Annual rings are not well visible on the face. In the testa, on the other hand, the dark, late areas and the light, early areas of the annual ring are perfectly recognized. The grain of the wood stands out little especially when it is of straight lines instead of lines in the form of flames, which makes it unattractive. The medullary rays are heterogeneous, uniseriate and biseriate and are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, both on the face and on the forehead. This wood is easy to work and glue, when brushing, there are found grains, which however do not hinder the process. Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree (native to Australia); Despite this, the wood is extremely firm, resistant and flexible and is classified as heavy. Its weight, with 12% humidity, is approximately 720 to 860 kg / m³. Reaching heights of up to 40 meters, it is the most widely planted exotic species in Chile. It is located between the IV Region and the X Region. USE OF WOOD Due to its characteristics, this wood is useful for construction, for example for structures, master beams, floor beams, different types of home finishes, for the manufacture of sheets, boards, the construction of furniture, tool handles, packaging, posts for mines, transmission poles and for the production of good quality paper. Annotations The chemical industry extracts substances from the wood for the elaboration of chemical products. Folk medicine produces antiseptic preparations against colds, bronchitis, as well as healing, antispasmodic and appetite stimulant preparations. Courtesy of: MADERAS MORALEDA LTDA
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